Search results for "real estate"

September 21, 2016
Retail’s Ups And Downs: iPhone 7 Pre-Sales, Tinder’s New Spotify...

Not everyone can be like this dog, whose Chinese billionaire owner recently bought it eight new iPhone 7s — because, well, dogs need a lot of smartphones in China, apparently....

September 16, 2016
The ‘Digipedia’ Of Mobile Apps

The 2016 U.S. Mobile App Report by comScore is the “digipedia” of mobile apps. It tells you everything you ever wanted to know about mobile app use, from who is...

September 16, 2016
Tipalti’s $14M Plans

What do you do just after raising $14 million? Expand. Supplier payments firm Tipalti's CEO, Chen Amit, tells PYMNTS where the firm might put that money to work in the...

September 16, 2016
Entrata And Visa Ink Alliance To Make It Easier To...

Payment processor Entrata announced on Thursday (Sept. 15) it entered into a strategic alliance with Visa to introduce an improved payment and authorization program to the multifamily industry. As a...

September 14, 2016
Uber Of X: Get20

Lawyers bill you for their time. That’s not new, but it is expensive. An hour of time can run you $300, and that’s on the low end. But what if...

September 13, 2016
Millennials Have A Spending Problem — They Don’t Want Things

Retailers have probably figured out by now that millennials are wired differently than pretty much any generation before them. After all, they are the first generation to come of age...

September 13, 2016
Bankers Tell Fed: Raise The Rate

When the Federal Reserve ticked the interest rate up to 0.25 for the first time in a decade last December, it was something of big moment — it was the first time...

September 13, 2016
Ripple Effects: 1-Click To Catastrophe

The ripple effects of increasing eCommerce and consumer demand for fast deliveries is heralding new supply chains and logistics models. Retailers such as Target and Walmart are storing merchandise in...

September 12, 2016
US: Barings reborn in $275 billion merger

US life insurance giant MassMutual has completed the merger of its four asset businesses, which will use the Barings name. Barings Asset Management is being integrated with bond special Babson...

The Treasurer's Guide To AR Payment Optimization
Online Portals Bring Commercial Real Estate Payments Into the Digital Age Digital payment methods still struggle to break the grip that manual solutions have on the real estate industry. In The Treasurer’s Guide To AR Payment Optimization, a PYMNTS and CheckAlt collaboration, U.S. Bank’s David Nielson discusses how commercial real estate providers can leverage online payment portals to streamline transactions for retail, office and industrial space clients.
The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.