Search results for "cybersecurity"

December 06, 2016
When IoT And The Automotive Industry Collide

Connectivity is giving the automobile industry a new lease on life. With the Internet of Things, vehicles are becoming smarter and more autonomous and have the potential to impact consumers’...

December 06, 2016
Google Ventures Ex-CEO To Launch Fund

Google Ventures founder Bill Maris, who stepped down as CEO earlier in 2016, is launching a new venture fund and has raised slightly over $230 million. According to a report...

December 06, 2016
Almost 1M Routers In Germany Hacked By Botnet

The Mirai botnet strikes again. A new version of the Mirai computer worm knocked more than 900,000 German ISP Deutsche Telekom customers offline due to infected routers, Krebs on Security...

December 06, 2016
Security Takes Top Of Mind For Treasury Professionals

As digital processes make inroads into treasury management activities, financial executives are becoming ever aware of the risks tied to cyberfraud and security issues, a recent study by TD Bank...

December 06, 2016
Pittsburgh Business Lost Almost $400K In Cyberhacks

Federal prosecutors and FBI agents in Pittsburgh said that a business in Pennsylvania incurred significant financial impacts due to an international cybercrime operation taken down by federal authorities and the...

December 05, 2016
Cybersecurity Recommendations Debut From Presidential Commission

In recommendations put forth by a presidential commission created this past year focused on cybersecurity, the federal government should join forces with the private sector in efforts to boost digital...

December 02, 2016
Cybercriminals Take Deals To The Dark (Web) Side

Consumers aren’t the only ones enjoying the discounts and deals brought on by the holiday season. Even hackers are cashing in and stocking up. James Chappell, CTO and co-founder of...

December 01, 2016
International Organizations Take Down Criminal Servers

For anyone who is still a bit shaken given the recent international media attention to and coverage of cybersecurity vulnerabilities, here is some good news. The U.S. Department of Justice,...

December 01, 2016
Cybric Makes DevSecOps A Reality

Boston-based company Cybric is a relative newcomer on the cybersecurity scene, but it’s re-envisioning how developers test the security of their applications. “If you look at the cybersecurity landscape, there...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Payment Due: Billers’ Bid for Better Bill Pay

Digital bill pay, while routine for most consumers, poses challenges such as fraud, friction and limited payment options — particularly in the utilities sector, where consumer trust is low. This edition of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, examines how billers and financial institutions can earn trust among consumers.

Fraud Management in Online Transactions - April 2024

There’s no shame in asking for help. Eighty-two percent of merchants experienced a cyber or data breach in the last year, and PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 300 eCommerce executives, “Fraud Management in Online Transactions,” a collaboration with Nuvei, details merchants’ thoughts about fraud prevention, finding that outsourced methods correlate with fewer failed payments.