Search results for "cybersecurity"

October 19, 2016
CFOs Take A Macro View Of The Future

The CFOs and treasurers throughout the globe are popping their bubbles when it comes to economic outlook. A new report by Deutsche Bank and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) explored...

October 19, 2016
Smart Grids Aren’t Secure, Survey Says

A new survey from Tripwire, a global provider of security and compliance solutions for enterprises and industrial organizations, revealed that 98 percent of professionals in the IT field believe that...

October 18, 2016
PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: U.K. Businesses Face Cyber Threats And...

U.K. businesses face tremendous challenges in fighting data breaches and avoiding fines that could be imposed as part of EU legislation. A report that cited findings from the Payment Card...

October 18, 2016
UK Businesses May Face Higher Cybersecurity Fines In 2018

Cybersecurity breaches could result in U.K. businesses collectively facing fines of up to £122 billion in 2018. According to a report, which cited findings from the Payment Card Industry Security...

October 18, 2016
SMEs Forced To Live With New Normal Of Cyberattacks

The price tag attached to a data breach on a small business has increased this year, according to new analysis from IBM and Ponemon Institute. With their newly released “2016...

October 18, 2016
APAC Financial Cybersecurity Risks Grow

Financial companies the world over are at risk for cyberattacks, but according to new analysis from Kaspersky Lab, the Asia-Pacific region is particularly vulnerable. An announcement Monday (Oct. 17) said...

October 17, 2016
PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: U.K. Banks Concealing Cyber Attacks

The extent of cybersecurity attacks on financial institutions is much greater than reports show, especially in the U.K. Data from Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) show that U.K. banks conceal...

October 17, 2016
British Banks Stay Mum On Cyberattacks

In order to keep their public images intact, many financial institutions in Britain are choosing not to report the full extent of cyberattacks to regulators. Bank executives and providers are...

October 17, 2016
Technology: SME Friend And Foe

Technology has the power to help a business rise up from the competition. From spend data analytics to cybersecurity detection, innovative tools in FinTech enable companies to gain visibility into...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Payment Due: Billers’ Bid for Better Bill Pay

Digital bill pay, while routine for most consumers, poses challenges such as fraud, friction and limited payment options — particularly in the utilities sector, where consumer trust is low. This edition of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, examines how billers and financial institutions can earn trust among consumers.

Fraud Management in Online Transactions - April 2024

There’s no shame in asking for help. Eighty-two percent of merchants experienced a cyber or data breach in the last year, and PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 300 eCommerce executives, “Fraud Management in Online Transactions,” a collaboration with Nuvei, details merchants’ thoughts about fraud prevention, finding that outsourced methods correlate with fewer failed payments.