Search results for "Cambridge Analytica"

July 27, 2022
Minimizing Privacy Risks in Regulating Digital Platforms: Interoperability in the...

The EU Digital Markets Act purports to benefit consumers and improve the competitiveness of digital markets. It is likely to have negative and unaddressed consequences, however, in terms of information...

July 13, 2022
A Wider-Aperture Lens for Competition Policy: Antitrust in the Context...

The growth of China and President Xi’s policies have transformed the global economy in ways that competition policy and business strategies have yet to fully grasp. The global economy is...

May 31, 2022
Novel Privacy Concerns in Healthcare Antitrust

Healthcare antitrust practitioners are grappling with the increased value and prominence of patient data in competition. In many respects, this data can be examined using traditional antitrust concepts. However, antitrust...

May 26, 2022
Privacy in a Technological Age

In our data-driven society, privacy as a fundamental right should be recognized and upheld. We must adopt strong legal and technological protections that preserve our autonomy. Legally speaking we must...

May 16, 2022
Indian Platform Markets, Data, and Privacy

By Dr. Geeta Gouri1   The attractiveness of Indian data and privacy platforms with nationalist overtones in the context of a global backlash against foreign platforms has been articulated in...

April 21, 2022
The Right to Privacy and Personal Data: Some Considerations for...

The protection of privacy and personal data is a must for maintaining democracies and avoiding authoritarianism led by extreme surveillance. For the optimal protection of both rights, it is necessary...

March 14, 2022
Algorithmic Pricing – A Black Box for Antitrust Analysis

The conversation around and study of the use of algorithms in pricing and other competitively sensitive decisions remains vibrant and is increasingly well-informed. Early theoretical work paved the way for...

March 02, 2022
Google, Meta Step Up Efforts To Combat Russia’s Misinformation Campaign 

The international community has unequivocally condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The U.S., the European Union and several other countries have imposed stiff economic sanctions on the aggressor party, but these...

January 05, 2022
The Chicago School and the Irrelevance of Predation

Everybody knows that Chicago scholars dismissed predatory pricing as a practice of concern for antitrust law due to its alleged unprofitability, both relative and absolute. Many know that the dismissal...