Search results for "cybersecurity"

March 14, 2016
Prolific Hacker Unmasks Himself

According to reports by The Next Web, a leader of one of the world’s most notorious hacking teams has elected to unmask himself. The hacking team in question is GhostShell, a...

March 14, 2016
GM Asks Hackers For Cybersecurity Help

GM is amping up its cybersecurity unit to ready itself against rising possibilities of threats to its automobile firewall. The company has called for hackers to help it uncover loopholes in...

March 11, 2016
How One Hacker’s Flub Saved One Bank $1B

It’s hard to believe that taking the time to double-check spelling could have allowed unknown hackers to pull off a nearly $1 billion bank heist last month. Officials told Reuters...

March 10, 2016
What Happens When Ransomware Hits Connected Cars?

Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke’s third law states that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Most people apply this to alien civilizations descending from the stars with...

March 10, 2016
Is China Ready For Alibaba’s Connected SUV?

When rumors of Google’s self-driving car first started circulating, the usual suspects came out of the woodwork to belittle the company for even trying such an idea. Fast forward to...

March 10, 2016
Longing For The Good Old (Bubble) Days?

Investors everywhere are in the midst of some pretty heavy headwinds, both public and private. In FinTech and payments, it’s particularly tricky. Here’s a look into our crystal ball for...

March 09, 2016
Apple’s Mac Ransomware Crisis Contained

The good news for Apple this week is that the ransomware attack was contained. The bad news for Apple is it believes that the attack — potentially the first one of its...

March 08, 2016
Seagate Technology Latest Tax Data Breach Victim

Yet another security firm charged with safeguarding data has become a victim of a data breach. An employee at data storage firm Seagate Technology disclosed private employee information after being...

March 07, 2016
Amazon Falls Back In Love With Encryption Support

Encryption has become one of the hottest debated subjects in the tech industry lately, and even Amazon has had its name thrown into the mix of stories. Just last week, Amazon...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Payment Due: Billers’ Bid for Better Bill Pay

Digital bill pay, while routine for most consumers, poses challenges such as fraud, friction and limited payment options — particularly in the utilities sector, where consumer trust is low. This edition of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, examines how billers and financial institutions can earn trust among consumers.

Fraud Management in Online Transactions - April 2024

There’s no shame in asking for help. Eighty-two percent of merchants experienced a cyber or data breach in the last year, and PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 300 eCommerce executives, “Fraud Management in Online Transactions,” a collaboration with Nuvei, details merchants’ thoughts about fraud prevention, finding that outsourced methods correlate with fewer failed payments.