Search results for "cybersecurity"

December 31, 2015
Firms Tackle Cyberthreats From The Inside Out

In order to address the growing insider threat problem, many companies are building out programs from within to protect themselves from their own employees, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday...

December 29, 2015
Locking Up The Holidays

The winding down of the holiday season is no excuse to be slack in security, as recent news shows that hackers certainly aren’t taking a vacation. The latest Retail Security...

December 29, 2015
2015: When Jeeps Were Hacked, Medical Records Stolen And Passwords...

2015 excelled at throwing curveballs at the security industry. Between multiple high-profile data breaches, Jeep hacks and corporate espionage, this year drove home the need for generating, securing and verifying...

December 28, 2015
Wire Transfer Phishing Scams See Year-End Surge

The end of 2015 brings one trend that won’t make any business feel better as the year wraps up: an increase in wire transfer scams being perpetrated by cybercriminals. A new...

December 28, 2015
Year-End Stats Show Their Range

The B2B payments data from last week ranges from six all the way to 4.45 billion, with a similarly diverse range in industries and geography. From alternative small business financing...

December 28, 2015
Hyatt Hotels’ Payment Data Breached

Hyatt Hotels’ customers received a not-so-happy holiday gift last week when the hotel group announced its payment system was recently impacted by malware activity. “We recently identified malware on computers...

December 28, 2015
Inside The ‘Back Door’ Encryption Security Debate

Security researchers investigating the software coding vulnerability that hit Juniper Networks two weeks ago are now warning against the threat of encryption technology weaknesses, Reuters reported. According to computer experts,...

December 28, 2015
Why One Cybersecurity Investor Says No Company Is Safe

In March 2015, addressing a crowd at Innovation Project 2015, retired four-star General Keith Alexander, the former director of the National Security Agency, quieted the crowd with his rather sober...

December 23, 2015
Security Flaw Found In German Banks’ Retail Payment Systems

Cybersecurity researcher Karsten Nohl discovered a critical vulnerability in the retail payment systems of several German financial institutions. As Reuters reported Tuesday (Dec. 22), the security flaws revealed by Nohl...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Payment Due: Billers’ Bid for Better Bill Pay

Digital bill pay, while routine for most consumers, poses challenges such as fraud, friction and limited payment options — particularly in the utilities sector, where consumer trust is low. This edition of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, examines how billers and financial institutions can earn trust among consumers.

Fraud Management in Online Transactions - April 2024

There’s no shame in asking for help. Eighty-two percent of merchants experienced a cyber or data breach in the last year, and PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 300 eCommerce executives, “Fraud Management in Online Transactions,” a collaboration with Nuvei, details merchants’ thoughts about fraud prevention, finding that outsourced methods correlate with fewer failed payments.