Search results for "cybersecurity"

June 10, 2015
Tech Giants Lobby Via Letter: Don’t Weaken Encryption Systems

U.S. tech companies are exhorting President Barack Obama not to roll back encryption systems in the wake of a strong and quite public debate over mass surveillance, Reuters reported Tuesday (June...

June 10, 2015
Backing Up Words with Action in Payments Security

Payment security is “more than a piece of paper,” says Joe Majka, Chief Security Officer at Verifone. While it’s all well and good for merchants to be confirmed as PCI...

June 08, 2015
The Big Data Cost Of Massive US Breaches

When massive data breaches occur — such as the one that hit the U.S. federal computer networks last week (June 5) — the logistical cleanup that comes as part of...

June 05, 2015
Millions Of Federal Employees’ Data Compromised In Massive Government Hack

This morning, 4 million public servants (both former and current) are facing the wonderful world of breached data in the aftermath of a massive data breach first announced by the Federal Government...

June 03, 2015
IRS Skipped Steps That May Have Prevented Breach

IRS is in the eye of the tiger, as the agency’s inspector general told Congress yesterday that the IRS failed to implement security upgrades to its computer systems, reported the...

May 30, 2015
Cybercrime 2.0: The Battle Of The Specialists

“Are the cybercriminals getting smarter? Are they really that much smarter than we are?” That was MPD CEO Karen Webster’s question for PayPal’s VP of Consumer Risk Mike Vergara during...

May 29, 2015
IRS Points Toward Russia As Breach Source

When the news of the IRS data breach hit earlier this week (May 26), IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said the agency was “confident that these are not amateurs.” And a...

May 29, 2015
ACLU Says Feds Should Incentivize Cybersecurity Reporting

In an effort to uncover security flaws in government computer systems – and of course fix those flaws – the American Civil Liberties Union has recommended that federal officials reward...

May 26, 2015
Bluetooth’s Not-So-Smart Tech Security Flaws

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is at the center of cybersecurity attention, raising concerns about privacy and confidentiality. Context, a specialized consultancy, proved that BLE signals transmitted by many mobile phones,...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Payment Due: Billers’ Bid for Better Bill Pay

Digital bill pay, while routine for most consumers, poses challenges such as fraud, friction and limited payment options — particularly in the utilities sector, where consumer trust is low. This edition of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, examines how billers and financial institutions can earn trust among consumers.

Fraud Management in Online Transactions - April 2024

There’s no shame in asking for help. Eighty-two percent of merchants experienced a cyber or data breach in the last year, and PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 300 eCommerce executives, “Fraud Management in Online Transactions,” a collaboration with Nuvei, details merchants’ thoughts about fraud prevention, finding that outsourced methods correlate with fewer failed payments.