Search results for "Paris"

February 14, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Dan Schulman of American Express Talks Payments Innovation...

Watch video interview EVANS: Hello everyone, this is David Evans. I’m talking to Dan Schulman today from American Express, where he’s the Group President for Enterprise Growth. Dan is waist...

February 10, 2011
The Evolution of Skiptracing: What You Need to Know to...

Technology advancements can sometimes feel like they are happening at lightning speed – and trying to keep up with the latest and greatest trends keeps us on our toes. As...

February 09, 2011
Loyalty Program Misconceptions Unravelled by Loylogic (Transcript)

Listen here to audio interview with Loylogic CEO, Dominic Hofer What services does Loylogic provide? DOMINIC HOFER: We help financial services and travel companies to engage more frequently with...

February 07, 2011
Protecting Branchless Banking Consumers: Policy Objectives and Regulatory Options

Click here to download this article as a PDF. Introduction   As with conventionally delivered financial services, consumers using branchless banking services face risks and challenges as well as benefits....

February 04, 2011
Prepaid Debit Cards May Be Next Target for CFPB

A Treasury Department official has revealed that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may ask this spring for public comments in order to reevaluate fee disclosure by prepaid debit card issuers,...

January 27, 2011
Keywords: Google, European Commission. Anyone Feeling Lucky?

Lia Vitzilaiou, Jan 27, 2011 On November 30, 2010, the European Commission issued a press release which many were worried about, others looking forward to, but almost everyone anticipated: Google...

January 21, 2011
Patrick Gauthier

PATRICK R. GAUTHIER General Manager, Emerging Retail Services – PayPal North America Patrick Gauthier is the General Manager of PayPal’s Emerging Retail Services group where he has been managing prepaid,...

January 20, 2011
Defining the Future of Social Commerce in Retail

Click here to download this article as a PDF. Introduction   This article provides a look at social commerce – the intersection of social networks and consumers’ shopping processes –...

January 18, 2011
The Behavioral Economics of Paying and Borrowing

Click here to download this article as a PDF. Introduction   Many Americans, feeling chunky and lethargic from their Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve eating binges, will be making resolutions...