Search results for "data breach"

April 18, 2014
Recent Breaches Appear To Be Hitting Home With Consumers

It’s one thing to note that a merchant’s payment-data system has been breached, but the reality of what that means really hits home when consumers start saying they’ve been affected....

April 16, 2014
Black Swans, Payments and 1982

Actions in the aftermath of the recent merchant data breaches have demonstrated the potential dangers that extend beyond simply not improving payments-data security. Knee-jerk reacting is another, and that appears...

April 14, 2014
Retailers Considered Still Vulnerable to Card Fraud Until Banks Upgrade...

After the Target and Neiman Marcus security breaches, one would assume that U.S. retailers were doing what they can to help prevent another incident.  However, Bloomberg Business Week is reporting...

April 14, 2014
Credit Card Fees Are Up, But Then So Are Rewards

Credit card interest rates are on the rise, but so are the rewards issuers are offering cardholders. In fact, a lot of the terms today heavily favor cardholders. But don’t...

April 11, 2014
US: Cyber threat sharing excused from antitrust scrutiny

Days after a bug in the encryption technology, known as “Heartbleed,” surfaced as a massive threat to online users’ privacy, the US Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission are...

April 11, 2014
Another Week Of Rough Waters For Bitcoin

Deck: Spring just doesn’t seem to have spring just yet for the Bitcoin market, despite the plethora of news around Bitcoin. Innovators continue to be hopeful and a new Bitcoin...

April 11, 2014
Payments Industry Awaits Potential Fallout Of ‘Heartbleed’ OpenSSL Flaw

Well, it might not constitute breach news per se – or it doesn’t yet anyway– but the announcement this week that two-thirds of all online websites for the past two...

April 10, 2014
Will the Fed Follow The States’ Lead In Passing Data-Breach...

Currently 46-states have passed data-breach legislation and New Mexico is heading toward being the 47th. State legislators in the Southwestern state are currently considering HB 224, which would mandate that organizations...

April 10, 2014
Cardholder Data Breaches are Rapidly on the Rise: How P2PE,...

Last year, the payments industry spent over $40 billion on programs designed to keep cardholder data secure. The Target breach, however, has created a new sense of urgency about what...

Authenticated Payments Report

Cryptocurrency exchanges are grappling with the EU’s PSD2 as they look to craft seamless experiences for their global customer bases. In the “Authenticated Payments Report,” a PYMNTS and LoginID collaboration, Marcus Hughes, of crypto exchange Coinbase, explains how platforms must build authentication measures that satisfy consumers and evolving regulations.