Search results for "drive thru"

January 23, 2024
Demystifying AI: Why Putting a Humanizing Spin on AI’s Impact...

In October of 1950, British mathematician Alan Turing created what he called the Imitation Game. Turing’s journal article, first published in the Mind quarterly review of psychology and philosophy, would...

January 22, 2024
Demystifying AI: The Probability Theory Behind LLMs Like OpenAI’s ChatGPT 

When a paradigm shift occurs, it is not always obvious to those affected by it.  But there is no “eye of the storm” equivalent when it comes to generative artificial...

January 22, 2024
Can Eli Lilly With LillyDirect Change the Delivery of Healthcare?

Trying to get rid of the middleman seems to be a universal business pastime. Companies spend billions trying to “go direct” to gather first-party data, exert more control over the...

January 18, 2024
Chiplet Technology May Be Poised to Transform Payment Systems

It’s said the whole is other than the sum of its parts, but often, it is the parts that are more interesting — and more malleable. Human history has been...

January 17, 2024
AI Poised to Drive Small Business Lending Decisions

Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are, by definition, firms with the most potential to grow. But, somewhat counterintuitively, SMBs also represent a category most likely to suffer from a lack...

January 17, 2024
Will AI’s Biggest Questions Find Their Answers This Year?

Technological innovations bring with them vast economic opportunities, but also an equal number of questions. These can include questions around their most effective use, questions around their impact both inside...

January 16, 2024
Drive-Thrus Get Tech Upgrades as QSRs Aim to Be 100%...

The drive-thru may be slower to digitize than other restaurant ordering channels, but more eateries are finding ways to integrate connected technology into the experience, as a new all-digital Taco...

January 11, 2024
How the World’s Most Urgent Risks Could Impact Payments

Systemic shifts are taking place across the global economy, bringing with them new, urgent risks. But importantly, within the many era-defining changes underway, including the double-edged sword of generative artificial...

January 11, 2024
OpenAI’s GPT Store Has Arrived, What About AI’s Monetization Strategy?

There exists one thing that generative artificial intelligence (AI), for all its advances, hasn’t changed. And that’s the fact that software products, no matter their capabilities, need to make money....

Order To Eat Tracker® - July 2021

Dining in is back on the menu at many quick-service restaurants (QSRs), but digital ordering and payment options are still playing a major role in their operations. In the Order To Eat Tracker, a PYMNTS and Paytronix collaboration, Brad West, chief operating officer at Noodles & Company, explains how innovations like contactless payments and ordering are playing a key role in driving sales across all channels.