Search results for "gdpr"

June 26, 2019
GDPR’s One-Year Anniversary (And Scorecard)

One year on, what has the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) wrought? The EU law has sought to let citizens decide how their data is used, and when, and by whom. The...

June 26, 2019
What SCA Means For Europe And Beyond

With the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) deadline looming in September, the mandate by the European Banking Authority requiring “strong customer authentication” for all electronic payments over €10 is causing banks...

June 24, 2019
Reino Unido: Industria de la publicidad Adtech ignora las leyes...

La industria adtech de ofertas en tiempo real (RTB) ha procesado datos personales de manera ilegal, según ha dictaminado el regulador de protección de datos del Reino Unido, informó el...

June 24, 2019
In The PSD2 Age, Banks Must Think Like FinTech Firms

With the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance deadline less than four months away, banks are still underprepared. While banks continue to open their application programming interfaces (APIs) to third-party providers...

June 21, 2019
Banks Are Increasingly Trying To Monetize Data Troves

Banks are increasingly looking for ways to monetize the large troves of data they hold on customers, be it with credit card sales or offering discounts on a customers’ special...

June 20, 2019
UK: Regulator says Adtech industry ignores data protection laws

The multibillion-dollar real-time bidding (RTB) adtech industry is processing data unlawfully, the UK’s data protection regulator has ruled, reported the Financial Times. The Information Commissioner’s Office has found that personal...

June 19, 2019
Facebook’s Sandberg Says Regulate, Don’t Break Up Big Tech

In an appearance at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said the social media platform didn’t anticipate the foreign interference that sought to...

June 11, 2019
Lawmakers Hit A Wall In Creating National Privacy Law

Efforts from lawmakers in the U.S. to come up with a national privacy law have hit a wall, with Senators unable to agree on how strict the rule should be....

June 11, 2019
Spinning Raw Data Into Synthetic (Revenue) Gold For FIs

Data is everywhere. ARM Insight CEO Randy Koch tells PYMNTS that the most valuable (and safest) data is synthetic data, which meets privacy mandates and thwarts hackers at every turn. It...

Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations - October 2020

The Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations, a PYMNTS and Ekata collaboration, is the go-to monthly resource for updates on the trends and changes regarding PSD2 as well as other privacy and data protection regulations.