Search results for "bailouts"

April 16, 2020
SMBs Scramble For Cash As PPP Runs Dry

As lawmakers battle over how the next round of bailout money for small businesses should be spent, the president and CEO of Atlanta’s Federal Reserve Bank said up to $500...

April 13, 2020
Cooperman Supports COVID-19 Stimulus Bailouts

Wall Street legend Leon Cooperman, who helped Goldman Sachs grow and later founded a successful hedge fund, said Congress must do whatever it takes to shield businesses from the impact...

April 13, 2020
Banking On A Rough Earnings Season For Banks

Three months seems a lifetime ago, pre-coronavirus pandemic, pre-recession, pre-lockdown, pre-bailouts. The stark changes in all facets of daily life for the U.S. (and international) consumer and the businesses that...

April 07, 2020
SEC Head: COVID-19 Bailouts Must Be Transparent

The head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said companies seeking federal bailouts from the economic havoc wreaked by the coronavirus crisis should tell investors where they stand....

March 19, 2020
NRF Seeks Nationwide Rule On Which Stores Are ‘Essential’

The National Retail Federation wants clarification on the word “essential.” Following a letter on Wednesday (March 18) asking for the federal government to consider the retail community in any stimulus...

March 18, 2020
Testing Monetary, Fiscal Policy As ‘This Time Is Different’

This time is different, as the saying goes. It’s been repeated up and down Wall Street, for decades. Whenever a seismic event comes on the scene, and threatens to swamp...

December 26, 2019
Corporate China Reaches New High For Loan Defaults

Corporates across China have reached a record high for loan defaults in 2019, according to a Financial Times report from Thursday (Dec. 26). Corporate defaults spiked to about $18.6 billion...

November 05, 2019
Monsanto and Mergers: How Antitrust Got Borked and How Courts...

By Raymond Starks (Drake University) It is clear regulation alone is not enough to ensure firms with monopolistic tendencies will not continue to engage in monopolistic behavior. Due to the...

October 09, 2019
Germany’s State-Backed Banks Advance Merger Discussions

Germany’s state-owned savings and cooperative banks are moving forward with discussions that could create a powerful financial association with $286 billion in assets and a staff of 11,000, the Financial Times...