Search results for "insurance"

October 14, 2009
ABA Insurance Risk Management Annual Forum & Meetings

Naples, FL USAAmerican Banker’s Association

April 28, 2009
China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: An Early Report Card

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Lester Ross, Apr 30, 2009 China’s AML has been in effect for less than a year. The enforcement...

July 22, 2008
Is a Safe Harbour for Insurance Still Justified?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Eithne McCarthy, Jul 22, 2008 On April 17, 2008, the European Commission launched a public consultation to examine...

July 15, 2008
DOJ v. Realtors: Back in the Ring

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle J. Bruce McDonald, Jul 10, 2008 The question is not “will” but “when” will antitrust enforcers challenge any...

July 14, 2008
Multiple Listing Arrangements in Residential Real Estate Transactions: An Antitrust...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Richard Epstein, Jul 10, 2008 Let me start this short paper on the antitrust law governing multiple listings...

May 23, 2008
Information Exchange in the Italian Insurance Market in the Framework...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Alessandra Tonazzi, May 27, 2008 It is generally recognized that information sharing can produce pro-competitive effects in markets...

May 23, 2008
How to Save a Block Exemption: The Case of the...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Strang, May 27, 2008 The Commission has recently issued a consultation paper regarding the future of Regulation...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Real Time Matters: The Imperative for Instant Disbursements for Insurance

Instant insurance payouts benefit both customers and carriers by enhancing both speed and efficiency, but barriers such as costs and complexity are blocking the way to their adoption — especially for smaller insurers. The latest “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, explains how insurance companies are jumping these hurdles by collaborating with FinTechs to facilitate instant payments implementation.

Why Consumers Are Looking to Financial Institutions for Insurance

Nearly one-third of consumers say they are more interested in buying insurance from their FI than they were three years ago. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest 33-page study, “Why Consumers Are Looking to Financial Institutions for Insurance,” a collaboration with Franklin Madison, features nine charts that explore how Gen Z and millennial insurance buyers are rejecting the status quo of more traditional sources for insurance.