Search results for "blockchain"

March 06, 2015
The Bits Behind The Blockchain

When many of the players in payments talk about the power of bitcoin these days, they aren’t talking about bitcoin at all. And for good reason. Volatility, illegal use cases,...

February 27, 2015
Inside The Bitcoin Blockchain

Anonymous and untraceable. That’s been among the calling cards of bitcoin since Day 1. It is, in fact, what makes bitcoin so novel. It has all of the attributes of...

February 13, 2015
Bitcoin Strikes For The Gold Standard

When people say someone is as “rich as Croesus,” they’re talking of to a time (B.C. time) when gold was first starting to be used as a currency. A time...

January 30, 2015
Bitcoin Tracker | Week 59

Circle is a consumer financial services company founded by internet pioneer Jeremy Allaire to “transform the world economy with secure, simple, and less costly technology for storing and using money.”...

January 29, 2015
Citi’s Digital Chief Says Bitcoin’s Economics Are Flawed

Bitcoin’s economics are inherently flawed and it isn’t mature enough for mass adoption, according to Greg Baxter, Citi’s head of digital strategy. “If you take all bitcoin transactions last year,...

January 28, 2015
Colu Gets $2.5M To Use The Blockchain For Everything

Colu, a startup that wants to put Bitcoin’s blockchain to work tracking other kinds of transactions, has raised $2.5 million to do just that, TechCrunch reported on Tuesday (Jan. 27)....

January 26, 2015
What Payments Innovators Can Learn From Bill Belichick

Boy, did I ever step in it last week. I was speaking to a group of payments professionals in Denver and followed someone who had just extolled the many great...

January 22, 2015
Bitcoin Crowdfunding Site Lighthouse Goes Public

Similar to how Kickstarter revolutionized crowdsourcing projects through e-payments, Lighthouse hopes to move that into the undertapped Bitcoin sphere of influence starting yesterday (Jan. 21), when the site went public...

January 20, 2015
St. Louis Fed VP: Bitcoin Could Teach the Fed A...

The Federal Reserve has historically not been enamored with bitcoin, which is understandable given how it’s billed as a competitor to the dollar in transactions. So when David Andolfatto, vice...

Why Public-Private Collaboration Is Key To Blockchain Adoption

Nine in 10 of the world’s central banks are pursuing digital currency projects, but private sector expertise and buy-in will be pivotal to their success. In this month’s “Blockchain Payments Tracker®,” a collaboration with Algorand, Anish Jain, CEO of WadzPay, explains how blockchain’s interoperability with legacy banking systems is the key to its adoption.

Cryptocurrency, Blockchain And Cross-Border Payments: Selecting A Blockchain Technology Partner
Banks Help Corporates Overcome Their Blockchain Regulatory Concerns Businesses see blockchain payments technology as important to streamlining cross-border payments, but more than half worry that it comes with regulatory risks. PYMNTS’ new Cryptocurrency, Blockchain And Cross-Border Payments playbook, a Circle collaboration, surveyed 250 FIs to examine how they're using compliance and regulatory tools to ease businesses’ blockchain concerns and unlock the technology’s benefits.