Search results for "bailouts"

March 15, 2018
Rollback Of Dodd-Frank Act Passes In Senate

On Wednesday (March 14), the Senate passed legislation that would loosen the regulations placed on financial companies after the Great Recession, with the bill gaining bipartisan support. According to news...

March 15, 2018
Warren Proposes To Create Bank Criminal Activity Investigation Unit

Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to create a law enforcement unit to keep big banks in check. According to American Banker, Warren introduced the Ending Too Big to Jail Act to...

March 12, 2018
Senator Warren Warns Regulatory Relief Bill Will Cause Fresh Round...

Senator Elizabeth Warren said over the weekend that a bill that would provide relief from the regulation placed on the banking industry after the financial crisis of 2008 could result...

December 29, 2017
Corporates Begin Pulling Cash From Bailed-Out Russian Banks

Five major banks in Russia saw capital outflows from corporate accounts last month, according to data compiled by Reuters from the nation’s central bank. That news comes despite Russian consumers largely...

October 30, 2017
Bank Bailouts Haven’t Spooked Russian Corporates From Staying Local

Russian companies are providing the nation’s banks with much-needed support amid a time of turmoil for the industry, according to news from Reuters last week. Central bank data analyzed by Reuters suggests...

September 20, 2017
Italy: Watchdog probes Ryanair cancellations

Italy’s antitrust watchdog said on Wednesday, September 20, it had opened a probe into thousands of flight cancellations by Ryanair, which it said the low-cost airline could have prevented. Ryanair...

May 26, 2017
GOP Just Says No To Debit-Card Fee Hike

Retailers — led by Walmart — seem to have beaten back an attempt to raise swipe fees, according to Congressional aides speaking to Bloomberg.  Despite vigorous lobbying from the finance...

November 17, 2016
Wall Street, Dodd-Frank Reform Plans Debut

Some early plans are dribbling out of the halls of Congress aimed at revamping the U.S. financial system, and the changes may be sweeping in scope. The New York Times reported that...

September 29, 2016
Lawmakers Demand More Big Bank Oversight From The Fed

In the wake of the Wells Fargo scandal that has seen the massive banking institution assessed almost $200 million in fines and its CEO and former community banking head facing...