Search results for "burger king"

November 06, 2014
Square’s Number Of Transactions Now Top One Billion

Taking a page from McDonald’s legendary XX billions of hamburgers served signs, Square founder Jack Dorsey tweeted on Wednesday (Nov. 5) that a Sacramento merchant has recently accepted Square’s one-billionth...

November 05, 2014
Beacons, Burgers, Beer And Football

The San Francisco 49ers have gone live with a network of beacons that covers all 1.85 million square feet of their football stadium, TechCrunch reported. The beacon network, with an...

November 03, 2014
PayPal Partners With Burger King

PayPal announced Monday (Nov. 3) a mobile app deal with Burger King. The payment service is expected to rollout early next year to more than 13,000 Burger Kings and will...

October 28, 2014
Canada: Burger King cleared for inversion deal

US fast food giant Burger King has been cleared by Canadian competition officials to move forward with its plans to acquire donut chain Tim Hortons and relocate its tax bracket...

October 22, 2014
Uber A Burger? The New Ways To Monetize Food.

It is unsurprising in a concrete jungle par excellence like Manhattan there are people who have simply become so rich, so powerful and Mastered the Universe so totally, that quite...

October 15, 2014
Protectionism or Legitimate National Interest? A European Perspective on the...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Rachel Brandenburger, Mark Jones, Oct 15, 2014 In Europe, the question of whether there is, or should be,...

October 09, 2014
US: Burger King hires former Congressmen to handle inversion merger...

Burger King has hired a team of former lobbyists to advise on its planned merger with Canada’s Tim Hortons, a deal that has raised eyebrows as it will allow Burger...

October 02, 2014
Advice To PayPal: Don’t Forget Main Street

North American Bancard CEO Marc Gardner is not a big fan of shopping at large national retailers, saying that he much prefers a local boutique where personalized customer service is...

September 24, 2014
US: Mergers in doubt as White House imposes inversion deals

The White House has imposed new rules meant to curb so-called “inversion” deals used by companies to dodge higher tax rates, a move that jeopardizes several pending mergers. According to...