Today in Restaurant and Grocery Tech: Grocers Rely on Instacart; Starbucks Faces Challenges

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Today in restaurant and grocery tech news, Starbucks may be struggling more than it would first appear, and grocers contend with the benefits and drawbacks of Instacart. Plus, PYMNTS research reveals Main Street restaurants struggling to recover to 2019 levels.

Restaurants, Grocers Embrace Voice, Contextual Commerce to Thrive in an Omnichannel World

Scott Mackay, Fiserv’s VP of global digital commerce, discusses how voice integrations and other contextual commerce initiatives can help food sellers win out.

Starbucks’ Digital Innovation Masks Fundamental Store Challenges

Starbucks’ digital leadership may not be enough to offset the difficulties the chain faces. The coffee giant is on track for its worst year from an investing standpoint since 2017, CNBC reported Wednesday (Dec. 8). Todd Gordon, founder of Inside Edge Capital Management, told the outlet that he was worried about the chain’s debt, its real estate challenges, and the disconnect between its actual valuation and analysts’ prediction.

Grocers Tap Instacart to Compete With Ultrafast Delivery, but These Partnerships are a Double-Edged Sword

While the bulk of consumers’ grocery shopping remains weighted toward brick-and-mortar, competition for the small but growing online grocery market is heating up. With new startups emerging around the world promising 10- to 15-minute grocery deliveries, and with delivery giant DoorDash getting into the mix with the launch of its own ultrafast option, incumbent grocery brands have to work harder to retain their customers.

Digital Ordering Boom Widens Gap Between Big Restaurant Brands and Small Operators

While many businesses are getting back on their feet after the devastating events of 2020, Main Street restaurants are struggling. PYMNTS’ December 2021 Main Street Index study, created in collaboration with Melio, which looks at growth in new establishments, real wages and employment across America’s small businesses, finds that the industry lags behind others.