Certainty Report

What Keeps Chief Product Officers Awake at Night
What Keeps Chief Product Officers Awake at Night
June 14, 2024  |  CFO

Heads of product drive profitability by setting strategic goals and supporting innovation across the product portfolio. As a result, their role is distinct from that...

Report: Heads of Payments Zero In on Customer Behavior in Uncertainty Debate
Report: Heads of Payments Zero In on Customer Behavior in Uncertainty Debate
May 17, 2024  |  Payments Innovation

A firm’s CFO and head of payments are pivotal in its financial architecture and dealing with uncertainty. CFOs carry out the firm’s broader financial strategy...

Optimizing AR to Mitigate Uncertainty for Middle-Market Businesses
Optimizing AR to Mitigate Uncertainty for Middle-Market Businesses
April 17, 2024  |  CFO

Accounts receivable (AR) management for middle-market businesses is a manual balancing act between efficiency and security. Efficiency prioritizes streamlining invoice processing and collection to accelerate...

Study Finds Uncertainty Costs Middle-Market Firms 4.4% of Revenue on Average
Study Finds Uncertainty Costs Middle-Market Firms 4.4% of Revenue on Average
March 19, 2024  |  CFO

The larger the firm, the greater the sense of certainty. That is what CFOs from smaller U.S. firms with revenues between $100 million and $250...