SaaS Startup Rocketlane Says Onboarding Critical for B2B Growth

B2B, customer onboarding, Rocketlane

Rocketlane, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) startup from Chennai, India, is banking on customer onboarding as a way to accelerate B2B growth, according to a Sunday (April 10) report from the Economic Times of India.

According to CEO Srikrishnan Ganesan, it’s “critical,” especially for B2B companies selling to larger customers. The larger customers necessitate a proper onboarding experience as a boon for the faster growth.

Ganesan said companies have been investing more into customer onboarding, even before they get into the usual customer success software. He said this was a strong indicator that things in that area were burgeoning.

Per the report, Rocketlane is one of several companies from India focused on SaaS work, which are only now being discovered in the titanic-sized U.S. SaaS sector.

There are some established companies like Zoho and Freshworks working on business software like help desks, customer relationship management (CRM), accounting software and other such things. Meanwhile, new companies are creating niches in the market, including Rocketlane, which was rolled out in the middle of the pandemic.

The SaaS sector had been coming further these days, especially with the fuller integration of cloud services into business. The Economic Times report noted that as more SaaS products are sold, the process of onboarding bigger clients will become more important.

Last fall, PYMNTS wrote that ComplyCube, an ID verification provider, debuted a multi-bureau verification service featuring comprehensive credit agency data, government sources and property databases, using artificial intelligence (AI)-powered screening to get better rates and add more customer onboarding.

Read more: ComplyCube SaaS Platform Fights ID Fraud With Multi-Bureau Checks

The service verifies customer names, addresses, dates of birth, tax numbers and Social Security numbers. The ComplyCube multi-bureau service brings together various datasets from bureaus and other sources which work on “shielding businesses from technical complexities and non-core activities they would have to deal with otherwise.”

According to a PYMNTS report released last year, almost half of the 300 auto dealers, banks, credit unions and alt-lenders earning over $500 million in annual revenue surveyed said digital identity authentication was a big problem.