AI Turns Streaming Video Search Into Churn-Reducing Conversations

Streaming platforms have transformed the content and digital entertainment landscape.

Platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and many others all offer subscribers access to thousands of movies, TV shows, documentaries and other forms of entertainment. While this abundance of options might seem like a good thing, it can overwhelm users and make it difficult for them to choose what to watch.

In what’s known as the paradox of choice, or decision paralysis, users can frequently end up spending more time browsing than actually watching something — a situation that can lead to frustration and a sense of dissatisfaction, as users may feel like they’re missing out on something better or more enjoyable.

That’s why, for the PYMNTS Series the “AI Effect,” we sat down with Cineverse CEO Chris McGurk and CTO Tony Huidor to discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way users navigate the vast amount of content available to them.

“The biggest issue people have with streaming right now is search and discovery … people spend on average at least 10 minutes or more — and they’re using technology that’s 10 or 15 years old,” said McGurk, noting that “it’s not a good thing for the platforms” because frustrated customers will often turn to competing platforms to find the content they are looking for.

What’s more, the fact that 10% of the content across today’s top streaming platforms represents 90% of the views is having a negative impact on content creators, particularly independent producers.

That’s why, in collaboration with Google, Cineverse this month (May 2) launched a new AI solution, dubbed CineSearch, that aims to directly tackle these challenges by enhancing the visibility of a broader range of content and improving user experience.

“A hundred channels and nothing to watch, as the [Springsteen] song goes … consumers need an intelligent guide that makes the search process more efficient and increases platform affinity,” said McGurk.

Leveraging AI to Address the Challenge of Search and Discovery

To combat the paradox of choice, streaming platforms have historically used recommendation algorithms and machine learning solutions to help users discover new content based on their viewing history and preferences. However, these algorithms aren’t perfect and can sometimes serve to further overwhelm users with even more choices, and the realization that existing technology fell short in addressing the search and discovery dilemma led to the development of an AI solution capable of catering to every streaming platform.

“We realized this is a bigger problem than just us and our own platform,” said Huidor. “And we felt that search should be a conversation, it shouldn’t be searching a couple keywords. Our focus was really on bringing to market advanced technology that allows you to search in ways that most people aren’t accustomed to or are not able to.”

The introduction of AI-powered search and discovery represents a significant leap forward in how consumers interact with streaming platforms.

McGurk explained that he envisions CineSearch’s Ava as the first among many intelligent guides, each with unique personalities and filmic backgrounds, designed to assist users in navigating the vast ocean of available content.

Embracing an AI-driven approach not only makes the search process more efficient but also more enjoyable, promising a tailored viewing experience that gets smarter over time.

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Conversational Content Reframes the Consumer Journey

As Huidor explained, the problem with streaming exists at the TV level, “the entire TV OS (operating system) is broken.”

“The future for search is conversational and using a voice-input, you’ll be having a conversation with an AI bot and you won’t be entering in text, you definitely won’t be typing your search into a TV,” he added.

That’s why with the growing embrace of AI for personalization and curation, the digital entertainment landscape stands on the brink of a major transformation. By leveraging AI and machine learning, platforms are increasingly finding themselves able to democratize access to content, reduce viewer frustration, and open new avenues for content creators.

“Searching for content should be entertaining, rather than that endless scroll of death,” said Huidor.

After all, the paradox of choice within the context of streaming platforms ultimately highlights the importance of curation and personalization in helping users navigate the vast amount of content available to them and find something they truly enjoy watching.