NEW DATA: What Seven In 10 Consumers Want From Their Disbursements

Disbursement Satisfaction Index - March 2019

“Pay me now” and “this is how I want to receive those funds.” Those are the marching orders consumers now give businesses that owe them money. The latest Disbursement Satisfaction Index presents a study of 2,000-plus American consumers about their satisfaction with disbursement methods when getting paid on demand, collecting rebates from merchants or receiving loan proceeds from financial institutions. Required reading — but only if the goal is to put the consumer in the center of one’s disbursement strategy.

Inside the March Study
  • 46.7%: Share of consumers who want to receive their funds by direct deposit into their bank accounts
  • 72.9%: Portion of consumers who think that it’s “extremely” or “very” important for them to have a choice in how they receive disbursements
  • 15.3 million: Portion of customers who receive disbursements via gift cards, and none of them chose that method