In the Remote Payments Study, the PYMNTS research team collected survey data on a sample of 4,900 American consumers to get a firsthand account on how modern shoppers use technology to make the most of their shopping experiences. With this expansive research, we were able to produce important, actionable insights into their daily shopping habits, answering an assortment of questions. Which technologies are best at converting browsers to buyers? Where are consumers located when they hit that “buy” button? And how do consumers of different genders, incomes and ages prefer to shop? Remotely or in-store? The answers to all these questions, and more, are covered in our report.
Inside this December Study
  • 38.5 percent of shoppers were satisfied with using mobile payments
  • 24.3 percent of consumers who spent more than $500 on their most recent purchase paid via smartphone
  • 37.1 percent of consumers who typically pay via smartphone use embedded debit card payments

Remote Payments Report