accounts receivable

Accounts receivable, abbreviated as AR or A/R, are legally enforceable claims for payment held by a business for goods supplied or services rendered that customers have ordered but not paid for.


Corporates Must Tread Lightly With Delayed Supplier Payment Tactic
Corporates Must Tread Lightly With Delayed Supplier Payment Tactic
July 23, 2018  |  B2B Payments

The Hackett Group released its annual Working Capital Performance of Top U.S. Companies report last week, signaling strength in U.S. corporates’ working capital performance. According...

Blockchain B2B Payments Network In Development By PayStand
Blockchain B2B Payments Network In Development By PayStand
July 23, 2018  |  B2B Payments

On Friday (July 21), blockchain B2B payments company PayStand announced that it is participating in the Commerce.Innovated accelerator program by Silicon Valley Bank and First Data. Through...

Tungsten Strengthens Position On AR Side Of Invoicing
Tungsten Strengthens Position On AR Side Of Invoicing
July 11, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Electronic invoicing solutions company Tungsten Network is introducing a way for accounts receivable departments to send out invoices in an array of channels through a...

Moving The Commercial Card Adoption Needle
Moving The Commercial Card Adoption Needle
June 28, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Commercial cards are gaining traction in B2B payments, especially in areas like employee expense management, but there are still assumptions that commercial card adoption lags...

Faster Payments Takes Off For Corporates, But Not Blockchain
Faster Payments Takes Off For Corporates, But Not Blockchain
June 21, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Corporate digitization efforts are well underway, and finance departments are often prime targets for this disruption. But a company’s interest and efforts to adopt new...

DadeSystems: Mobile Deposits Must Serve The Middleman Too
DadeSystems: Mobile Deposits Must Serve The Middleman Too
June 15, 2018  |  Startup Check-In

Tom Berdan, chief marketing officer at startup DadeSystems, is working from his home office in Orlando, where the air conditioner is broken. He’s got a repair...

OroCommerce Augments B2B Payments Capabilities With Limonetik
OroCommerce Augments B2B Payments Capabilities With Limonetik
June 12, 2018  |  B2B Payments

B2B eCommerce software provider OroCommerce is integrating payments capabilities into its platform through a new collaboration with Limonetik. A press release issued Monday (June 11)...

DadeSystems: Time To Replace Outdated RDC
DadeSystems: Time To Replace Outdated RDC
May 17, 2018  |  Startup Check-In

Legacy systems can be a problem across the board in the payments industry, and corporate deposits are no different. Many of the remote deposit capture...

Billtrust’s First Institutional Investor Sells Stake
Billtrust’s First Institutional Investor Sells Stake
May 15, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Edison Partners, the first institutional investor in business payments firm Billtrust, has exited the company. A press release issued Monday (May 14) said Edison sold its...