AI hallucinations

Businesses Confront AI Hallucination and Reliability Issues for LLMs 
Businesses Confront AI Hallucination and Reliability Issues for LLMs 
June 18, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

In the new world of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered automation, businesses face a vexing problem: AI systems that confidently generate plausible but inaccurate information, a phenomenon...

OpenAI Takes Aim at ‘Hallucinations’ as More Businesses Integrate AI
OpenAI Takes Aim at ‘Hallucinations’ as More Businesses Integrate AI
June 01, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Humanity has always tended to over-trust the computer. Simply put, we have a long history of misplaced, often naïve faith in next-big-thing technologies. This should...

MIT Researchers Propose Bot Debates to Beat AI ‘Hallucinations’
MIT Researchers Propose Bot Debates to Beat AI ‘Hallucinations’
May 31, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google have all made strides in developing generative chatbots, but one major flaw plagues them all: AI hallucinations. These hallucinations occur when...