In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.


Inside N26’s Fraud Protection Strategy
Inside N26’s Fraud Protection Strategy
July 24, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

Fraudsters are muscling their way into new territories when it comes to how they approach consumers for their personal information. As such, both banks and...

Uber Debuts Conversational AI Dev Platform
Uber Debuts Conversational AI Dev Platform
July 16, 2019  |  Artificial Intelligence

Uber AI, the ride-hailing company’s artificial intelligence division, has released an open-source AI platform called the Plato Research Dialogue System, according to a report by...

Can AI Help Fix A Broken AML System?
Can AI Help Fix A Broken AML System?
July 16, 2019  |  Innovation

Criminals are not the only elements that can vex financial institutions when it comes to protecting against money laundering. False positives — instances of potential...

Are Consumers Ready For Chatbot Customer Service?
Are Consumers Ready For Chatbot Customer Service?
July 12, 2019  |  Commerce

For better or worse, call centers are often retailers’ public face. Customer service can make a stronger impression on consumers than other factors like price,...

How Delta Is Leveraging Apple’s Business Chat, AI For Better Customer Service
How Delta Is Leveraging Apple’s Business Chat, AI For Better Customer Service
July 12, 2019  |  call center commerce

Slow service doesn't fly when customers connect with airlines across different channels. That's why airlines are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to give human agents...

AI That ‘Thinks’ Like A Fraud Analyst
AI That ‘Thinks’ Like A Fraud Analyst
July 12, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

 Businesses evolve and so does fraud. The data is out there to help separate good transactions from bad, but not all data is equal. Rich...

How Delta’s Customer Service Is Riding An AI Tailwind
How Delta’s Customer Service Is Riding An AI Tailwind
July 11, 2019  |  call center commerce

Consumers today want more from customer service than a long wait time and broad answers when getting through to a human agent by phone. To...

The Future Of Compliance: Using Data Better
The Future Of Compliance: Using Data Better
July 08, 2019  |  Authentication

In the pre-digital age of financial services, AML/KYC was a very slow process. The government would put out their lists of sanctioned entities – hostile...

Why AI Is Social Media Fraud’s New Best Friend
Why AI Is Social Media Fraud’s New Best Friend
July 05, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

It can be difficult these days to remember the almost idyllic promise of social media when it first entered the general consumer consciousness. That’s not...