Amazon Fire

Amazon’s Quarter Is So Bad The NYTimes Is Making Fun Of It
Amazon’s Quarter Is So Bad The NYTimes Is Making Fun Of It
October 24, 2014  |  News

It’s not easy to justify to investors how you can make $20 billion in revenue and still lose money, but that’s the question Amazon CFO Tom Szkutak had to answer repeatedly...

Amazon’s Fire Phone Price Slashed To 99 Cents
Amazon’s Fire Phone Price Slashed To 99 Cents
September 09, 2014  |  Mobile

Talk about your fire sale. Amazon on Monday (Sept. 8) slashed the price of its 32-GByte Fire smartphone from to 99 cents—barely two months after...

Amazon Fire Sales Ice Cold
Amazon Fire Sales Ice Cold
August 27, 2014  |  Merchant Innovation

Amazon has sold only 35,000 of its new Fire phones in the first 20 days after it went on sale in July, according to data...