
European Commission Asking Competitors About Effects of Google-Samsung AI Deal
European Commission Asking Competitors About Effects of Google-Samsung AI Deal
July 17, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

The European Commission is reportedly looking into whether Google’s generative artificial intelligence (AI) deal with Samsung keeps other companies’ chatbots off Samsung smartphones. The antitrust...

Australia Targets ‘Heavy Imbalance’ in Supermarket Sector
Australia Targets ‘Heavy Imbalance’ in Supermarket Sector
April 08, 2024  |  Retail

Australia is reportedly stepping up efforts to regulate its supermarket sector. A new government study, the subject of a Monday (April 8) report by The...

EU Competition Chief Margrethe Vestager Says DMA’s Priority is App Stores
EU Competition Chief Margrethe Vestager Says DMA’s Priority is App Stores
March 05, 2024  |  Regulation

The new Digital Markets Act (DMA) will reportedly focus first on app stores. European Union (EU) competition chief Margrethe Vestager told Bloomberg TV Tuesday (March 5)...

MercadoLibre Files Antitrust Complaints Against Apple in Brazil and Mexico 
MercadoLibre Files Antitrust Complaints Against Apple in Brazil and Mexico 
December 05, 2022  |  Apple

MercadoLibre has filed complaints against Apple with regulators in Brazil and Mexico.  In filings with antitrust regulators, the Latin American eCommerce giant complained that Apple...

Fortnite Creator Epic Games Hauls Google Into Australian Court
Fortnite Creator Epic Games Hauls Google Into Australian Court
March 10, 2021  |  ANTITRUST

Epic Games, the maker of Fortnite, is suing Google in Australia over alleged anti-competitive behavior that violates the country’s antitrust regulations. “Google gives the illusion...

Today In Payments: China’s Central Bank Tells Merchants To Accept Cash; EU Threatens Big Tech Breakup Over Anti-Competitive Practices
Today In Payments: China’s Central Bank Tells Merchants To Accept Cash; EU Threatens Big Tech...
December 15, 2020  |  News

In today’s top news, the People’s Bank of China ordered merchants to accept cash and the EU has threatened to break up Big Tech firms...

Brazil Banking Head Calls For Probe Into WhatsApp Payments
Brazil Banking Head Calls For Probe Into WhatsApp Payments
July 02, 2020  |  Digital Payments

WhatsApp will be allowed to operate its payments service in Brazil once the company formally seeks permission and shows it can operate in the country...

Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple CEOs To Face Congress
Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple CEOs To Face Congress
July 02, 2020  |  ANTITRUST

The CEOs of the world’s four biggest technology companies will testify later this month before the House Judiciary Committee as lawmakers investigate competition in the...

UK Fines Fender To The Tune Of $5.9M Over Anti-Competition Charges
UK Fines Fender To The Tune Of $5.9M Over Anti-Competition Charges
January 23, 2020  |  Retail

Guitar-maker Fender allegedly pressured online retailers to sell its products at inflated prices. The European arm of the company has consequently been penalized £4.5 million...