SMB eInvoicing, With A Responsibility To Both Protect And Share Data
SMB eInvoicing, With A Responsibility To Both Protect And Share Data
February 19, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Faster payment schemes are beginning to take root around the globe, and consumer payments are ready to embrace speed. Corporate payments? That’s another matter, as...

From Heavyweights To Newcomers, Finserv Goes All-In On APIs
From Heavyweights To Newcomers, Finserv Goes All-In On APIs
February 15, 2018  |  B2B Payments

The conversation around B2B payments innovation and progress cannot be held without the banks. Sure, FinTechs are flocking to the industry to play their part...

Channeling APIs For eCommerce Payments In LatAm
Channeling APIs For eCommerce Payments In LatAm
February 12, 2018  |  API

eCommerce in Latin America is now an $80 billion business — and with that comes the pain of paying suppliers cross border. APIs are helping to automate delivery and...

Blockchain Must Be Easy, Secure To Drive Adoption
Blockchain Must Be Easy, Secure To Drive Adoption
February 09, 2018  |  Blockchain

In 2017, cryptocurrency startups raised $5.6 billion through ICOs (initial coin offerings, a fundraising strategy by which creators of digital coins and tokens like bitcoin...

TRENDING: The Role Of APIs In Igniting LATAM B2B X-Border Payments
TRENDING: The Role Of APIs In Igniting LATAM B2B X-Border Payments
February 09, 2018  |  API

From China to Italy and from India to Colombia, companies around the world are investing in new B2B payments solutions. And they are doing so...

Own Your Program Management, Own Your Destiny
Own Your Program Management, Own Your Destiny
February 08, 2018  |  Startup Check-In

Being a program manager isn’t easy. Essentially, it means handling everything other than card issuing, authorization and transaction processing. If it’s not holding money or...

Payments 2018: Think This — Not That
Payments 2018: Think This — Not That
January 08, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

In 800 B.C., when people wanted to know the answer to “what’s next” about their personal futures, they flocked to Delphi and asked Pythia, the...

When Too Much Good Tech Can Be A Bad Thing For SMBs
When Too Much Good Tech Can Be A Bad Thing For SMBs
January 08, 2018  |  B2B Payments

There have never been more tools available to the entrepreneur, and tech adoption among small businesses (SMBs) is on the rise. FinTech innovators are targeting...

How B2B Payments Could Find Its Footing In A World Moving To Real-Time
How B2B Payments Could Find Its Footing In A World Moving To Real-Time
December 28, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Faster and real-time payment initiatives broke new ground in 2017, but so far, B2B payments has yet to really find its place in an accelerated...