
Top Subscription Merchants Know That Flexibility Is Key
August 11, 2023

In the competitive retail subscription space, offering flexible plan options is strongly linked with merchants’ success. By the Numbers PYMNTS’ study “Decision Guide – How Retail Subscription Merchants Can Win and Retain High LTV Customers,” created in collaboration with, examined how different subscription features line...

‘Cookie Club’ Sees Strong Subscriber Retention Amid Inflation — but Not Acquisition
August 11, 2023

As direct-to-consumer (D2C) businesses look to woo budget-conscious shoppers with subscription deals, Taylor Chip Cookies’ “Cookie Club” is seeing loyalty remain strong, but reaching new customers is proving to be a challenge. In an interview with PYMNTS, Doug Taylor, co-founder of the cookie brand, which operates a...

The Failed Payments Recovery Missing Link
August 04, 2023

As more of 2023 is in the rearview mirror than in front of us, subscription businesses are having a tough time, according to FlexPay CEO Darryl Hicks. From FlexPay’s vantage point, serving a slew of subscription firms across a variety of verticals, “we see quite...

Payment Problems Create Headaches for Patreon Creators
August 03, 2023

A pair of seemingly unrelated payment issues are bedeviling Patreon creators and their fans. As The Verge reported Thursday (Aug. 3), some creators cannot access their earnings due to an issue with a payout provider that began earlier this week. As this is happening, some subscribers are getting notified...

DoorDash and Uber Race to Drive Delivery Subscription Usage
August 03, 2023

As restaurant aggregators look to win consumers’ loyalty and gain share from competitors, subscriptions are a key tool, and DoorDash and Uber both are doing everything in their power to drive up usage among members. For DoorDash’s part, the company’s strategy has been to start...

Subscription Merchants See Failed Payments Spike Churn Rates
August 02, 2023

When the subscription industry’s customers experience failed payments, it can directly lead to churn, PYMNTS research reveals, prompting merchants to lose out on hundreds of millions of dollars. For PYMNTS’ study “Tracking Failed Payments,” created in collaboration with failed payment recovery solution provider FlexPay, we surveyed...

HelloFresh Launches Dog Food as Consumers Splurge on Pet Meals
August 01, 2023

Consumers may be cutting back on food spending for themselves amid inflation, but few are willing to subject their furry friends to the same sacrifices, and HelloFresh is seizing on this continued demand for premium pet food with its latest launch. On Tuesday (Aug. 1)...

Grubhub Says Subscription Commerce Is Taking Over the Restaurant Industry
July 25, 2023

Grubhub is stepping up its subscription program as membership schemes increasingly supplement or replace points-based rewards programs for restaurant customers. In an interview with PYMNTS following Grubhub’s announcement of its loyalty subscription relaunch Tuesday (July 25), Launika Raykar, the aggregator’s vice president of loyalty, customer engagement and partnerships, said...

Alcoholic Beverage Subscribers Demand the Option to Switch It Up  
July 21, 2023

Consumers who join alcoholic beverage subscription programs, PYMNTS research reveals, may nonetheless not be ready to commit to receiving their boxes, say, every week. Rather, they want to be able to switch up the frequency based on their needs at that moment. By the Numbers...