Apple Intelligence

Apple and Meta Reportedly Pursuing AI Collaboration
Apple and Meta Reportedly Pursuing AI Collaboration
June 23, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Apple has reportedly held discussions with Meta about partnering on artificial intelligence (AI). The iPhone maker and the social media giant have discussed integrating Meta’s...

Apple Withholds AI, Other Offerings From EU amid DMA Conflicts
Apple Withholds AI, Other Offerings From EU amid DMA Conflicts
June 21, 2024  |  Apple

Apple will reportedly withhold several new technologies from consumers in the European Union (EU). The company will block the release of Apple Intelligence, iPhone Mirroring and SharePlay Screen Sharing in...

Apple’s AI Rollout Will Likely Stretch Into Next Year
Apple’s AI Rollout Will Likely Stretch Into Next Year
June 16, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Apple’s artificial intelligence (AI) rollout will reportedly be a long, slow one. As Bloomberg News reported Sunday (June 16), Apple Intelligence, which the tech giant...

Apple Paying OpenAI With Distribution, Not Cash
Apple Paying OpenAI With Distribution, Not Cash
June 13, 2024  |  Apple

When will Apple and OpenAI’s new partnership make money for either company? According to a report Wednesday (June 12) from Bloomberg News, not right away. ...

Apple’s AI Effort Makes It World’s Most Valuable Tech Company
Apple’s AI Effort Makes It World’s Most Valuable Tech Company
June 12, 2024  |  Apple

The title of “World’s Most Valuable Company” belongs to Apple once again. As of mid-afternoon Wednesday (June 12), the iPhone maker’s market capitalization stood at...

Apple’s AI Push Puts Privacy, Security in the Spotlight
Apple’s AI Push Puts Privacy, Security in the Spotlight
June 12, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

As Apple enters the race to bring advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to consumer devices and services, the tech giant is betting that a strong...

Apple Intelligence’s Predictive AI May Impact Shopping as We Know It
Apple Intelligence’s Predictive AI May Impact Shopping as We Know It
June 11, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Apple’s foray into artificial intelligence (AI), unveiled at the Worldwide Developers Conference, aims to transform how consumers interact with their devices and, more importantly, how...

Apple Plays It Safe With Apple Intelligence Suite, OpenAI Partnership
Apple Plays It Safe With Apple Intelligence Suite, OpenAI Partnership
June 10, 2024  |  Apple

Apple may have arrived late to the artificial intelligence party. Still, the tech giant is making a grand entrance with “Apple Intelligence,” a new suite...

Apple Brands AI as ‘Apple Intelligence’
Apple Brands AI as ‘Apple Intelligence’
June 09, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a starring role at Apple’s developer conference this week. More to the point, “Apple Intelligence.” That’s the name the company...