artificial intelligence

In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.


Elon Musk: AI Needs To Be Regulated
Elon Musk: AI Needs To Be Regulated
July 17, 2017  |  Artificial Intelligence

There have already been movies about artificial intelligence (AI) and what it could possibly do in terms of harming us. Robots taking over the world...

ACH Becoming The Mediator Between Conflicting AR, AP Needs
ACH Becoming The Mediator Between Conflicting AR, AP Needs
July 14, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Just a few weeks ago, the Global Payments Innovation Jury – a group of 70 payments executives across 37 countries – published a new report...

Amazon Sizzles, Apple Fizzles And A High Profile Merger Fizzle Before It Starts
Amazon Sizzles, Apple Fizzles And A High Profile Merger Fizzle Before It Starts
July 14, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Some partnerships seemed destined, perhaps even written in the stars — Romeo & Juliet, Tony & Maria or (of course) Kimye are all good examples. Then...

AI/BOTS: AI’s Impact on The Digital Retail Revolution
AI/BOTS: AI’s Impact on The Digital Retail Revolution
July 13, 2017  |  Chatbots

The digital retail revolution is well underway. Fusing technology into in-store experiences has officially gone mainstream, and retailers are looking for ways to go beyond...

Deep Instinct Raises $32M In Venture Funding
Deep Instinct Raises $32M In Venture Funding
July 13, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Deep Instinct, the cybersecurity company, announced Wednesday (July 12)  it has raised $32 million in Series B financing. In a press release the company said...

Google Buys India AI Startup Halli Labs
Google Buys India AI Startup Halli Labs
July 13, 2017  |  Google

Google confirmed Wednesday (July 12) its acquisition of Halli Labs, a startup in India that is centered on building smart technology systems to take on...

AI Use at Walmart Boosts eCommerce Numbers
AI Use at Walmart Boosts eCommerce Numbers
July 12, 2017  |  Retail

Brick-and-mortar stores are dropping like flies, but one chain is not going down without a fight. By integrating machine learning into its operations, Walmart is...

Making Connected Car Data Monetizable
Making Connected Car Data Monetizable
July 12, 2017  |  Big Data

The average car generates gigabytes of data already — between the engine, infotainment and other computerized systems. And that is only today — before the addition of...

Google And AI: The Perfect PAIR?
Google And AI: The Perfect PAIR?
July 11, 2017  |  Google

Speech recognition, image search, translation — those are just the beginning for artificial intelligence, if Google is reading its pulse right. While machines are getting better...