The profile of augmented reality (AR) keeps rising in retail, and the latest evidence of the technology’s promise and popularity comes from Snapchat. In its...
Retailers surely have more than enough to worry about these days. For one, the pace of innovation keeps speeding up – and that holds true for...
Google has announced the launch of AR Beauty Try-On, which allows viewers to virtually try on makeup while following tips, product reviews and more from...
Retail is getting more visual, and that stands to be the case for locally-focused merchants as they compete for attention and consumer dollars with the...
The digital age is nothing if not an ongoing revolution in communication – which, of course, powers innovation in payments, commerce and business operations. Virtual...
Snap has seen its stock surge more than 180 percent since December — thanks to teenagers. When it comes to augmented reality, Pivotal Research Group...
L’Oréal’s virtual reality business ModiFace will be working with Amazon to provide makeup testing technology, according to an announcement from the French beauty powerhouse. The...
As brick-and-mortar retailers work to survive in this digital age, they are looking to another digital tool in that ongoing effort: 3D mapping. It’s among the...
While the majority of people over the age of 35 are likely less than inclined to think of video game play as a sport, the...