
DataVisor Launches Feature Platform To Automate Fraud Detection
DataVisor Launches Feature Platform To Automate Fraud Detection
September 17, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

DataVisor has announced the launch of its new Feature Platform, which automates fraud detection through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning data capabilities....

The Amazon/Walmart Whole Paycheck Tracker: Glimpsing The Future Of Automation And One-Day Delivery
The Amazon/Walmart Whole Paycheck Tracker: Glimpsing The Future Of Automation And One-Day Delivery
May 03, 2019  |  Walmart Amazon whole paycheck

This week both Amazon and Walmart were offering up pictures — albeit with very different levels of detail built in — of how the immediate retail future...

Lawmakers Seek New Regs Aimed At Tech Algo Biases
Lawmakers Seek New Regs Aimed At Tech Algo Biases
April 11, 2019  |  Regulation

U.S. lawmakers have proposed a bill that would make tech companies detect and remove any discriminatory biases found in their technologies. The Algorithmic Accountability Act...