
Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance.


Making Voice Assistants Allies In Health
Making Voice Assistants Allies In Health
September 01, 2017  |  Voice Activation

Orbita CEO Bill Rogers has a relative with dementia. As dementia patients often do, she repeats a lot of the same questions, and it drives...

The Start-Up Secret Sauce
The Start-Up Secret Sauce
August 25, 2017  |  Startup Roundup

For all the wonderful things to be said for entrepreneurship, there remains this fact: It is extremely hard work that carries with it no guarantee...

Tech Saves More Than It Costs In The Procurement World
Tech Saves More Than It Costs In The Procurement World
August 15, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Optimization: it’s what separates the procurement wheat from the chaff. It goes without saying that, in a business setting, it is always optimal to do...

The Pros And Cons Of Robots In Retail
The Pros And Cons Of Robots In Retail
August 02, 2017  |  Retail

Between automated checkout lines, online grocery ordering and meal kit services, it seems like the inexorable tide of progress is determined to wipe out millions...

Chatbots: Friend Or Foe Of Retail?
Chatbots: Friend Or Foe Of Retail?
July 28, 2017  |  Retail

Automation has come to several industries. From manufacturing to customer service, there have been several parts of today’s workforce that have been automated by some...

Mid-Market Firms Have Outgrown Their Procurement Strategies
Mid-Market Firms Have Outgrown Their Procurement Strategies
July 20, 2017  |  B2B Payments

With focus in the U.K. on small businesses as they struggle to survive late payments and restricted access to capital, the mid-market is facing its...

AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
July 18, 2017  |  Chatbots

Robots are coming for your job! Run! As more chatbots enter the enterprise arena, as well as the retail industry, for customer service needs, this...

Why eCommerce Will Create More Jobs Than It Kills
Why eCommerce Will Create More Jobs Than It Kills
July 14, 2017  |  Retail

One of the casualties of the ongoing retail death spiral seems almost certain to be the retail workforce.  That has become an increasingly certain part...

Taking A Bite Out Of Smart Self-Serve Kiosk Trend
Taking A Bite Out Of Smart Self-Serve Kiosk Trend
July 05, 2017  |  ResTech

Picture this: a customer walks into a café. The barista recognizes her face and asks if she’d like the usual. No need to go through...