Autonomous vehicles

A self-driving car, also known as an autonomous vehicle (AV), connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV), driverless car, robo-car, or robotic car, is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input.


When Cars Fly: Uber CEO Says In 10 Years
When Cars Fly: Uber CEO Says In 10 Years
January 23, 2018  |  Ridesharing

Uber’s CEO is making a bold prediction, stating that within the next decade, ride-sharing customers will be chauffeured around in flying cars. “There will be...

BlackBerry’s Jarvis Pitched To Auto OEMs As Cybersecurity Savior
BlackBerry’s Jarvis Pitched To Auto OEMs As Cybersecurity Savior
January 16, 2018  |  Safety and Security

BlackBerry is looking to boost business through the release of new cybersecurity software specifically designed for self-driving cars. According to Reuters, the Canadian company launched...

Toyota Enters Delivery Biz With Amazon, Uber Partnership
Toyota Enters Delivery Biz With Amazon, Uber Partnership
January 09, 2018  |  Delivery

Toyota has moved one step closer to making its self-driving cars a reality, partnering with several companies – including Amazon – to develop the vehicles...

NEW REPORT: Connected Cars Drive $212B Annually In Commerce Spend
NEW REPORT: Connected Cars Drive $212B Annually In Commerce Spend
January 08, 2018  |  Intelligence of Things

The right connections can open up plenty of opportunities. And, in the automotive world, connectivity is helping automakers find new opportunities to rev up in-vehicle...

Uber To Buy Up To 24K Autonomous Vehicles From Volvo
Uber To Buy Up To 24K Autonomous Vehicles From Volvo
November 21, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Volvo, the vehicle manufacturer, announced Monday (Nov. 20) that it inked a deal with Uber, the ride-hailing app company, to sell it tens of thousands...

Professional Driving’s Coming Automation Crisis
Professional Driving’s Coming Automation Crisis
November 08, 2017  |  Ecosystems

As of today, the trucking industry is facing a severe shortage of workers. The digital economy has created a boom in the shipping industry, and...

NHTSA Looks To Remove Self-Driving Car Regulations
NHTSA Looks To Remove Self-Driving Car Regulations
October 30, 2017  |  Business

The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants input from the industry in finding ways to remove regulatory issues that prevent the rollout of...

The Smarter Car: Who Will Get There First?
The Smarter Car: Who Will Get There First?
September 08, 2017  |  Intelligence of Things

Apple won’t be building that self-driving car — or, at least, not the way it originally envisioned. It came to light last month that the tech...

Self-Driving Vehicle Tech In Store For Lyft?
Self-Driving Vehicle Tech In Store For Lyft?
July 24, 2017  |  Merchant Innovation

San Francisco-based ride hailing outfit Lyft is gearing up to bring self-driving vehicle technology to market. But, as the AP reports, the approach will differ...