B2B Payments

The highly complex payments processes and networks that power $120 trillion in payments flows that move between businesses globally each year. The B2B Payments ecosystem is undergoing a massive digital transformation as corporates move away from paper-based processes and payments methods to digital workflows that more efficiently move money and data between trading partners. These efficiencies give corporates more visibility into their cash position across their supply chain and innovations in accounts payments and receivables are helping buyers and suppliers to align on payments terms and trade credit.

How Data Gets To The Bottom Line Of Buyer-Supplier Ties
How Data Gets To The Bottom Line Of Buyer-Supplier Ties
January 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Supplier management is often far from top of the list when it comes to corporations’ strategic priorities. But the intricacies of the buyer-supplier relationship collectively...

Esker Fuels Procure-To-Pay Cycles Via Smartphones
Esker Fuels Procure-To-Pay Cycles Via Smartphones
January 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

The mobile device is now a mainstay for many professionals, but for higher-level executives, the smartphone can often be a lifeline. Document processing and cloud...

The B2B Foundation Of A B2C Payments Startup
The B2B Foundation Of A B2C Payments Startup
January 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Yoke Payments is a startup that wants to help sellers take back their storefront popularity as eCommerce continues to disrupt physical retail. The company has...

Will Tesco Inquiry Bring Sea Change To UK Payments?
Will Tesco Inquiry Bring Sea Change To UK Payments?
January 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

In the United Kingdom, tremors over late payments may be spilling over into a seismic event. As reported by various news outlets, the Groceries Code...

CSI globalVCard Goes International
CSI globalVCard Goes International
January 26, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Payments company CSI globalVCard specializes in helping businesses go electronic in their payments practices, offering virtual and mobile payment solutions, as well as commercial and...

Investors Boost Another Indian Finance Startup
Investors Boost Another Indian Finance Startup
January 26, 2016  |  B2B Payments

India is building its reputation as the next major alternative small business lending market. Last year saw venture capital investment in SME lending innovators, government...