Business-to-business is a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when: A business is sourcing materials for their production process for output .Example- Providing raw material to the other company that will produce output.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

Late-Pay Problems Spread To The US — And Big Suppliers
Late-Pay Problems Spread To The US — And Big Suppliers
April 13, 2015  |  B2B Payments

As lawmakers in the U.K. consider cracking down on the recent practice by big companies of waiting 90 to 120 days to pay smaller suppliers,...

B2B Investment Tracker, April 3-April 10
B2B Investment Tracker, April 3-April 10
April 10, 2015  |  B2B Payments

This week in B2B investments marked another week of major funding rounds and acquisitions for leading companies across the industry. To start, this includes Dealstruck —...