American and European banks are reportedly reducing their already low offering of leveraged loans. This move follows the recent takeover of Credit Suisse Group and...
The sudden collapse of California-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which focuses on tech startups, is having repercussions far beyond the U.S. As of Sunday (March...
The U.K.’s digital currency project will have real world benefits for the country’s businesses. That’s according to Ben Broadbent, deputy governor for monetary policy at...
NatWest believes that interest rates in the United Kingdom have peaked. The bank said in a Friday (Feb. 17) presentation that it expects that the...
The way people pay for things is changing as the nature of money itself transforms. Fearing they may one day be left behind as digital,...
The Bank of England and U.K. Treasury are exploring the feasibility of an official “Britcoin.” This, as a formal consultation launched Tuesday (Feb. 7) aims...
Santander UK has warned that macroeconomic challenges in the United Kingdom could impact credit quality. In its 2022 results announced on Thursday (Feb. 2), Santander...
The Bank of England (BoE) has reported an increase in small businesses defaulting on loans. In the findings of a survey of lenders in the...
A digital pound consultation is expected to be published in “weeks not months.” The comments were made by city minister Andrew Griffith during a Treasury...