bank regulations

Wells Fargo CEO Says Cost Controls Are Improving At The Bank
Wells Fargo CEO Says Cost Controls Are Improving At The Bank
September 13, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

Tim Sloan, CEO of Wells Fargo & Company, said Tuesday (Sept. 12) that the company is improving its cost controls in relation to revenue as...

PayFacs Are The New ISOs
PayFacs Are The New ISOs
July 13, 2017  |  Digital Payments

­­­­­­­­­Once upon a time, merchants had direct contractual agreements with the acquirers who signed them up to accept payments. The process was time-consuming, expensive and...

Regulations, Regulators And The High Cost Of Banking Compliance
Regulations, Regulators And The High Cost Of Banking Compliance
May 31, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

And the regulations just keep coming. In the banking industry, the mindset among compliance staff seems to be one where the expectation is to have...