
Banking is an industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions. Banks provide a safe place to store extra cash and credit. One key step towards financial independence is having a solid banking account.

Small Business Bank-Loan Applications Keep Dropping
Small Business Bank-Loan Applications Keep Dropping
January 05, 2015  |  News

Fewer small businesses are applying for commercial loans from banks, according to a monthly survey by American Banker. According to the survey of U.S. bank...

Tencent Joining Banking Business
Tencent Joining Banking Business
December 15, 2014  |  News

China’s Tencent Holdings will be the first of five Internet firms to open its private banks to clients, Reuters reported late on Friday (Dec. 12). Tencent was...

UK Consumers Pick Favorite Non-Banks
UK Consumers Pick Favorite Non-Banks
December 09, 2014  |  Europe

Almost one-quarter of U.K. consumers would be “likely” to use an online payment provider like PayPal and WePay for retail banking services within two years,...

Cost And Security Concerns Slow Banks Progress To Real Time Corporate Payments
Cost And Security Concerns Slow Banks Progress To Real Time Corporate Payments
October 16, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Corporate treasurers want speed — a lot more speed — from their banks, including quicker transaction settlement and access to information, along with faster account...

Guess What?  Alibaba And Tencent Are Now Bankers
Guess What? Alibaba And Tencent Are Now Bankers
October 06, 2014  |  Consumer Finance

China’s two biggest online services already have large payments operations — and now both have permission to be bankers, too. On Monday (Sept. 29), Alibaba...