banking regulation

Push Back On Regulatory Rollback?
Push Back On Regulatory Rollback?
August 21, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

The regulatory rollback may be rolled back. It has been a key aim of the Republican Congress and President Donald Trump’s administration over the past...

CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
August 01, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned companies  Monday (July 31) about  tricking consumers into expensive pay-by-phone fees. In a press release the government watchdog said...

Trump Outside Advisor Wants CFPB’s Cordray Fired
Trump Outside Advisor Wants CFPB’s Cordray Fired
July 31, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

An outside advisor to President Donald J. Trump, Corey Lewandowski, said Sunday (July 30) that Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray should be...

RBS To Allocate $1 Billion To Help SMEs Switch To FinTechs
RBS To Allocate $1 Billion To Help SMEs Switch To FinTechs
July 28, 2017  |  B2B Payments

RBS, one of the U.K.’s top banks, is required allocate to more than $1 billion to help small businesses switch to its competitors. Reports Thursday...

Will Big Banks Get a Bottom Line Boost on Deregulation?
Will Big Banks Get a Bottom Line Boost on Deregulation?
July 24, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

Banks’ bottom lines may get a boost from deregulation from Capitol Hill. Barron’s noted this past weekend that a spate of proposals to roll back...

SWIFT KYC Registry Goes Global
SWIFT KYC Registry Goes Global
July 18, 2017  |  B2B Payments

SWIFT is opening up its KYC registry to more banks around the globe. The payments messaging company said Monday (July 17) that its KYC Registry...

Oust Wells Fargo Directors, Says Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Oust Wells Fargo Directors, Says Sen. Elizabeth Warren
June 20, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

Out with the Wells Fargo directors. That’s a call being made by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who on Monday said Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen...

Regulators Clarify KYC Rules To Push U.S. Banks To Work Cross-Border
Regulators Clarify KYC Rules To Push U.S. Banks To Work Cross-Border
March 22, 2017  |  Regulation

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency — the top regulator for national banks — is sending out the message that U.S. banks ought...

Big Banks Have Paid Out $321B In The Years Since The Financial Crisis
Big Banks Have Paid Out $321B In The Years Since The Financial Crisis
March 03, 2017  |  Banking

The almost decade since the Financial Crisis has been an expensive time to be a big bank — globally, banks have paid out $321 billion in...