Bitcoin Daily: Brave Grows Crypto Features With Binance Integration; CoinDCX Backed By Bain Capital, Polychain Capital
Bitcoin Daily: Brave Grows Crypto Features With Binance Integration; CoinDCX Backed By Bain Capital, Polychain...
March 24, 2020  |  Bitcoin

Brave, a web browser, is teaming with Binance to grow its digital currency features via an integration, according to reports. Users will have the ability...

Chinese Tech Investments In US Plummet
Chinese Tech Investments In US Plummet
February 10, 2020  |  Investments

eCommerce giant Alibaba  — China’s largest tech firm — was among other Chinese investors that skipped past the U.S. in 2019, The Financial Times (FT)...

Retailers Raise Concerns Over Potential Border Tax
Retailers Raise Concerns Over Potential Border Tax
July 24, 2017  |  Retail

The retail industry is going through a rough transformation. This shift in the way that retailers operate is evident from consumers’ shift to more online...