Big Tech

Shoring Up FIs ‘Deteriorating Advantage’ Over Big Tech
Shoring Up FIs ‘Deteriorating Advantage’ Over Big Tech
July 24, 2019  |  Digital Banking

Big Tech vs. big banks. Battling. Conventional wisdom seems to hold that challenger banks will eat traditional financial institutions’ collective lunch in the race for...

EU Unconcerned About Deficit Of Big Tech Fines
EU Unconcerned About Deficit Of Big Tech Fines
July 23, 2019  |  Regulation

The European Commission says it isn’t concerned about the lack of major fines against tech companies during the first year of its General Data Protection...

A Tale Of Innovations — And Potential Setbacks
A Tale Of Innovations — And Potential Setbacks
July 23, 2019  |  Today In Data

Nothing is ever guaranteed, no matter the innovation or the size of the company. That’s pretty clear as Facebook’s Libra plan commands continued focus from...

What ‘Stranger Things’ Teaches Us About Attacks On Big Tech
What ‘Stranger Things’ Teaches Us About Attacks On Big Tech
July 22, 2019  |  Retail

A couple of months ago, I decided to give spinning a try. I’m a runner, not a biker, but wanted to see what it was...

G7 Agrees To Tax Big Tech And Cut Libra No Slack
G7 Agrees To Tax Big Tech And Cut Libra No Slack
July 18, 2019  |  Regulation

Group of Seven finance ministers and central bankers said digital currencies need to be closely regulated so that they don’t disrupt the global financial system....

House Questions Big Tech Over Antitrust Concerns
House Questions Big Tech Over Antitrust Concerns
July 16, 2019  |  Regulation

The size and scope of “big tech” – and whether big really is too big – was in focus on Tuesday (July 16), across a...

US Will Probe Whether French Tax On Tech Is Fair
US Will Probe Whether French Tax On Tech Is Fair
July 11, 2019  |  International

The U.S. government will investigate whether a French plan to tax American technology companies is fair, and it could potentially issue retaliatory tariffs in response,...

UK Regulator Opens Study On Big Tech Search Dominance
UK Regulator Opens Study On Big Tech Search Dominance
July 05, 2019  |  Google

Scrutiny of big tech — specifically firms such as Facebook and Google — seems likely to heat up in the United Kingdom. News came this...

Scrutiny Of Big Tech Could Slow Amazon’s Deal-Making Pace
Scrutiny Of Big Tech Could Slow Amazon’s Deal-Making Pace
July 03, 2019  |  Retail

While Amazon has committed over $20 billion to investments and acquisitions as of 2017, the scrutiny of large tech companies by the U.S. government could...