
Blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.

By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way".


eComm Stocks Slide, Bankers Go Bonkers For Blockchain And Digital Payments Dominate
eComm Stocks Slide, Bankers Go Bonkers For Blockchain And Digital Payments Dominate
October 12, 2015  |  Controversial

Americans hit the road en masse this weekend. A little-known fact is that Columbus Day is actually the second most road traffic-producing holiday of the...

Blockchain Innovators Get A Boost
Blockchain Innovators Get A Boost
October 07, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Some venture capitalists are gearing up for the age of blockchain innovation. One venture capitalist group says it has already caught on to the trend...