bossa nova

Walmart Reboots Retail With Its Re-Think On Robotics
Walmart Reboots Retail With Its Re-Think On Robotics
November 05, 2020  |  Retail

There’s an old saying that asks, “Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?” But lately, in the case of Walmart,...

Walmart Will Add Shelf-Scanning Robots To More US Stores
Walmart Will Add Shelf-Scanning Robots To More US Stores
January 13, 2020  |  Retail

As it grows its collection of robots, Walmart will bring shelf-scanning robots to 650 additional stores in the United States by the conclusion of summer. The Bossa...

Bossa Nova Launches Automated Inventory Solution
Bossa Nova Launches Automated Inventory Solution
November 15, 2019  |  Retail

Data service provider Bossa Nova announced it has developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) and automated solution for inventory data management, according to reports. The...

Taking Stock Of What’s In Stock With Retail Robots
Taking Stock Of What’s In Stock With Retail Robots
September 27, 2019  |  Retail

Inventory stock outs plague brick and mortar retailers. Knowing just what items are where — and replacing or replenishing them — can be a painstaking task....