
Thailand Seizes Assets Tied to Massive FBI Botnet Case
Thailand Seizes Assets Tied to Massive FBI Botnet Case
June 02, 2024  |  Cybersecurity

Thailand is reportedly investigating $27.2 million that an alleged hacker funneled into the country. Wang YunHe and other co-conspirators had purchased properties and shares of...

Largest U.S.-Led Operation Takes Down Qakbot Botnet and Malware
Largest U.S.-Led Operation Takes Down Qakbot Botnet and Malware
August 29, 2023  |  Cybersecurity

An international operation has disrupted a major botnet and malware that had caused millions of dollars in damage. Law enforcement agencies from the United States,...

How AI And Machine Learning Can Address Banks’ Fraud-Fighting Weaknesses
How AI And Machine Learning Can Address Banks’ Fraud-Fighting Weaknesses
July 09, 2021  |  Fraud Prevention

Cybersecurity is of the utmost concern for financial institutions (FIs) of all types, ranging from community credit unions to multibillion-dollar international banking conglomerates to everyday...

First Bank On Fighting Internal And External Digital Fraud
First Bank On Fighting Internal And External Digital Fraud
January 26, 2021  |  Digital-First Banking

Digital-first banks are used to fending off external threats like data breaches and botnet attacks, but their cybersecurity measures can fall short of protecting against...

How Axos Bank Uses Multilayered Filtering To Keep Bad Bots Out And Good Bots In
How Axos Bank Uses Multilayered Filtering To Keep Bad Bots Out And Good Bots In
March 26, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Automated bots can wreak havoc on banks, but building an airtight defense can impede a good user experience. The challenge is separating the good bots,...

Kaspersky: Gaming, Crypto Targeted In DDoS Attacks
Kaspersky: Gaming, Crypto Targeted In DDoS Attacks
July 25, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

A new report from Kaspersky Lab shows an increase in botnet-assisted DDoS attacks, including the recurrence of old vulnerabilities and the rise in gaming and cryptocurrency...

Cisco Finds 42 Percent Of Companies Hit With DDos ‘Burst Attacks’
Cisco Finds 42 Percent Of Companies Hit With DDos ‘Burst Attacks’
February 22, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

So-called “burst attacks” are a rising threat to organizations as they grow in complexity, frequency and duration. In fact, one study found that 42 percent...

Suspected Botnet Crime Ring Boss Arrested
Suspected Botnet Crime Ring Boss Arrested
December 06, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

A cybercriminal described as the administrator of the Andromeda network has been arrested in a joint operation involving Belarus, Germany and the United States. According to...

Chicago Is Number One For Botnets
Chicago Is Number One For Botnets
October 12, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

New research reveals that 6.7 million additional bots joined the global botnet in 2016, with Chicago and Washington D.C. as the leading U.S. cities in...