
The Money-Mover That’s A Money-Mentor, Too
The Money-Mover That’s A Money-Mentor, Too
September 15, 2017  |  Innovation

“Can I afford a Tesla? If not, can you help me save for one?” These questions were once reserved for financial advisers. Technically they’re still...

Making Voice Assistants Allies In Health
Making Voice Assistants Allies In Health
September 01, 2017  |  Voice Activation

Orbita CEO Bill Rogers has a relative with dementia. As dementia patients often do, she repeats a lot of the same questions, and it drives...

Automatic Ads: An Invitation For Fraud?
Automatic Ads: An Invitation For Fraud?
August 30, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Advertisers are spending billions of dollars on ad campaigns that human eyes never see, and understandably, they’re not too happy about it. Google is issuing...

Could Amazon’s Bots Be The Next Hot Fashion Designers?
Could Amazon’s Bots Be The Next Hot Fashion Designers?
August 29, 2017  |  Amazon Innovations

Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Vera Wang and … Amazon? That could be the list of hot designers creating the latest fashions someday — if Amazon is...

Facebook Tracker: At Home And Abroad
Facebook Tracker: At Home And Abroad
August 21, 2017  |  Facebook

Facebook was behind the Chinese photo-sharing app Colorful Balloons, which was launched anonymously earlier this year, the company confirmed last week. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube,...

AI/BOTS: Cognitive Chatbots, New Retail Frontier
AI/BOTS: Cognitive Chatbots, New Retail Frontier
August 16, 2017  |  Chatbots

More human and less robotic is the sound of the beating retail drum this year. As cognitive-enabled chatbots have worked their way into everyday shopping...

The Missing ‘M’ In Facebook Messenger
The Missing ‘M’ In Facebook Messenger
July 31, 2017  |  Facebook

Some of our most important innovations have happened by accident. In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming left his lab for vacation without cleaning up. He returned to...

AI/BOTS: Machine Learning Tips Online Fraud Scales
AI/BOTS: Machine Learning Tips Online Fraud Scales
July 25, 2017  |  Artificial Intelligence

Technological advances are pushing the boundaries for what’s possible in a variety of industries. Within the retail industry specifically, artificial intelligence (AI) is moving the...

AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
July 18, 2017  |  Chatbots

Robots are coming for your job! Run! As more chatbots enter the enterprise arena, as well as the retail industry, for customer service needs, this...