buy now pay later

Buy that must-have item today with buy now pay later financing.

‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Combats COVID-19 With Payment Options
‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Combats COVID-19 With Payment Options
April 08, 2020  |  Payment Methods

We pay a price for not exercising, but conversely, gyms and online classes aren’t free of charge. The more specialized and exotic the workout routine,...

Afterpay CEO On The Obstacles And Opportunities Growing Into The U.S. Market
Afterpay CEO On The Obstacles And Opportunities Growing Into The U.S. Market
April 07, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

While installment loan products were not quite unheard of in the U.S. five or six years ago, they were quite rare. At that time, the...

Financial Crisis Spurs New Way To Pay For A New Generation
Financial Crisis Spurs New Way To Pay For A New Generation
April 06, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

With an idea born from the ashes of the global financial meltdown of 2008, the founders of “buy now, pay later” success story Afterpay understood...

The Rising Popularity Of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)
The Rising Popularity Of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)
April 06, 2020  |  Today In Data

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) products, which let consumers avoid paying at the point of purchase and instead allow them to pay in increments, are more...

Installment Payments Push Sports-Equipment Sales Over The Finish Line
Installment Payments Push Sports-Equipment Sales Over The Finish Line
April 03, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) solutions are more popular than ever, allowing consumers to avoid paying at the point of purchase and instead doing so...

‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Goes Big
‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Goes Big
March 10, 2020  |  Payment Methods

What instant lending innovation have shoppers fallen in love with? Here’s a hint: We’ll tell you now … and you can thank us later. Between...

Deep Dive: Consumers Consider BNPL Solutions For Routine Retail Purchases
Deep Dive: Consumers Consider BNPL Solutions For Routine Retail Purchases
March 09, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Retail frequently adapts well to the new technologies or tools consumers might be using to shop, but repricing goods to accommodate customers who are wary...

How BNPL Offerings Inspire Everyday Purchases At DSW
How BNPL Offerings Inspire Everyday Purchases At DSW
March 06, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Buying expensive shoes can make debt-shy customers uncomfortable, and retailers can’t always drop prices to get them over the hump. In the latest Buy Now,...

Afterpay Partners With Marqeta For US Growth
Afterpay Partners With Marqeta For US Growth
March 05, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Payments unicorn Marqeta is partnering with buy now, pay later (BNPL) platform Afterpay to help advance its U.S. presence and support new products, Marqeta announced on...