car sales

Vroom CEO: Giving The Auto Industry A Long Overdue Digital Tune-Up
Vroom CEO: Giving The Auto Industry A Long Overdue Digital Tune-Up
April 20, 2020  |  eCommerce

In the world of the coronavirus pandemic, good news is a relative concept. For example, a recent round of headlines touted “stronger than expected auto...

Vroom Partners With Santander On Auto Loan Financing
Vroom Partners With Santander On Auto Loan Financing
April 08, 2020  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Vroom, the eCommerce platform for buying and selling used vehicles, has reached a multi-year deal with Santander Consumer USA to simplify auto financing. In an...

Automakers Push Payments Off 120 Days To Jump Start New Car Sales
Automakers Push Payments Off 120 Days To Jump Start New Car Sales
March 31, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Necessity, as they say, is the mother of invention. COVID-19 is spurring firms that rely on consumer spending, and on lending to finance big-ticket purchases,...

Signs Of Life In The Online Car Space
Signs Of Life In The Online Car Space
March 31, 2020  |  Retail

While the online car sales business has struggled like most non-essential retailers amid the coronavirus pandemic, there are signs of life, according to new research...

Shift Happens: Online Car Company Manages Crisis With Class
Shift Happens: Online Car Company Manages Crisis With Class
March 27, 2020  |  Retail

No chief executive worth his or her salt wants to have the meeting that Shift CEO Toby Russell had last week. The online car selling...

Car Vending Machine Company Carvana Goes Up Against Wall Street
Car Vending Machine Company Carvana Goes Up Against Wall Street
March 11, 2020  |  Retail

Wall Street is a tough master, especially for eCommerce companies. Just ask Carvana, the leading online automotive seller and a major force in changing the...

Vehicle Sales Down 80 Pct In China Due To Coronavirus 
Vehicle Sales Down 80 Pct In China Due To Coronavirus 
March 05, 2020  |  International

Car sales in China plummeted 80 percent last month as the coronavirus epidemic stopped people from going to dealerships, according to reports on Wednesday (March...

Shifting The Used Car Market Into Overdrive
Shifting The Used Car Market Into Overdrive
February 28, 2020  |  Retail

Google “used car dealer.” Click on the image tab. Within the top four thumbnails you will see a man wearing a bad jacket, a bad...

eBay Releases New AI App For Fast Car Listings
eBay Releases New AI App For Fast Car Listings
December 13, 2019  |  Artificial Intelligence

Online marketplace and auction site eBay has released eBay Motors, a new app that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to list a car in under five...