Visa plans to use the ServiceNow Dispute Management, Built with Visa solution to further streamline payment card dispute resolutions for clients and help issuers meet...
Unexpected charges are a reality that 30% of consumers experienced in just the last 12 months. These charges could include either outright fraud or...
Shoppers are reportedly getting increasingly comfortable disputing credit card charges. That’s because consumers have discovered how easy it is to do so, the Wall Street...
Unhappy — or simply confused — consumers can upend merchants and other enterprises’ top lines when they opt to dispute card transactions. Processing errors can...
Ninety-three percent of businesses generating between $20 million to $100 million in annual sales — the smallest category PYMNTS surveyed — use third-party tools to...
Fraudulent transaction disputes are an unwelcome fact of life for all merchants and can represent significant financial and administrative burdens. Our data shows that the...
The online shopping surge of the past two years heightened the risk of credit card fraud and drove many merchants to invest more heavily in...